Sanpancho Stories (Short Stories)
Sanpancho is a little town on the Pacific Ocean in Mexico. It is sanded by American and European expats who originally came to take in the Sun and the Ocean on a budget but got sold on the lifestyle and warmth of the locals. They stuck around, mixed in, built homes and neighborhoods. When new people settle in an old place, magic happens. And magic is nothing but dreams, memories, love, sorrows, losses and strange happenings once in a while…. That’s the lovely, distant, little town of Sanpancho. The little jewel of a smile tied around the neck of a vast Pacific consciousness! These are its stories.
108 limited edition copies ONLY. $126 per signed and numbered copy. (Includes Pic Book + 9 signed and #ed Art plates) Postage additional.
“COPY#0(zero)”: This “original” signed, dated copy will be designated “#zero”. This will go to the Collector with the signed and dated 9 ORIGINAL ARTWORKS, each fully framed and conservation glassed, plus your “copy # zero” also in its own frame! Of course you will get the additional complementary copy for your own reading without disturbing the original. PRICE: PLEASE ENQUIRE.